Saturday, January 16, 2010

Psychologist Insurance Do You Know How Long After You Get Licensced As A Psychologist, Insurance Companies Put You On Their Panel?

Do you know how long after you get licensced as a psychologist, insurance companies put you on their panel? - psychologist insurance

I am a social psychologist and I am studying licensced to take the degree examination. I was wondering if anyone knows how long after the arrival of the insurance companies do licensced begin on the panel of doctors and you can be paid. Are there psychologists know?


psychgra... said...

Each insurance company has different rules. Some can register you as fast as you are okay. Some will be refunded only if you have practiced for some years. I agree with thedrisin. It is best to call separately to get good grades, while on the phone and start early. A person can say, quite unlike anything else.
Once approved and the requirements, you need to ask a panel of insurance companies, which may take several weeks to several months.

I know that there are many psychologists who just paying themselves, because they are angry with the bureaucracy of insurance companies.

thedrisi... said...

Somewhere between three and five years and depends on where you work. Many insurance companies will tell you that "your" area enough psychologists, they may not be listed. However, in discussion with insurance companies to make themselves as secure.

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